Automatic Controls/Controls
Automatic Cleaners
High Efficiency Equipment
Pool Water Treatments
Salt Water
Waterfalls and other features can be designed as single elements flowing into a pool or a spa. They can also be constructed to flow from a spa into a pool. They can be constructed of natural materials (granite, limestone, blue stone, etc.), cultured stone or a combination of both.
High Efficiency Equipment and Heaters:
QDP recommends Hayward and Pentair high efficiency equipment.
Hayward heaters
H Series Heater Electronic Ignition (80 - 82% efficiency)
H Series Heater Electronic Ignition, plus induced draft (84% efficiency)
Hayward pumps
Tri Star Superior Energy Efficient 1 or 2 speed
Tri Star Mizzer-variable speed, superior energy efficient
Hayward Eco-Star 3-H.P. variable speed pump
Hayward Max-Flo 1.5-H.P. variable speed pump
Pentair heater
Master Temp electronic ignition, plus enduced draft (84% efficient)
Pentair pump
Intelliflow - 4 times 160 high performance
QDP recommends and uses the following:
Healthcare or Superior Aqua
Ionization-Ozone Sanitation System
Replaces chlorine and kills bacteria
Hayward Goldline
Chlorine salt generator system (generates chlorine from salt)
You do not need to buy chlorine.
Del Ozone
Ozone generator generates ozone and bubbles up through the water to sanitize the water.
Diatomaceous earth media (DE).
Most efficient for water clarity, less operating time.
DE filters the water to one (1) micron.
Swim Clear cartridge filter.
Filters the water to ten (10) microns
Pro Series sand filter.
Filters water to fifteen to seventeen (15 - 17) microns.